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The Machinist (Anderson, Brad.)
Bibliographical information (record 102838)
The Machinist
Anderson, Brad. Search in Online Databases

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DVD 002346
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Detailed notes
    - How do you wake up from a nightmare, when you're not asleep?
    - THE MACHINIST is the story of TREVOR REZNIK, a lathe-operator who is dying of insomnia. In a machine shop, occupational hazards are bad enough under normal circumstances; yet for Trevor the risks are compounded by fatigue. Trevor has lost the ability to sleep. This is no ordinary insomnia...
    - Trevor Reznik is a lathe-operator who suffers from insomnia and hasn't slept in a year. Slowly, he begins to doubt his sanity as increasingly bizarre things start happening at work and at home. Haunted by a deformed co-worker who no one seems to think exists, and an ongoing stream of indecipherable Post-It notes he keeps finding on his fridge, he attempts to investigate what appears to be a mysterious plot against him and, in the process, embroils two women in his madness.
    - "The Machinist" is a film about a man who hasn't slept in a year, and he starts thinking that he's losing his mind, when he starts seeing hallucinations, and his perception of reality becomes twisted. He's haunted by a co-worker that no one else can see, and keeps finding post-it notes with secret messages on his fridge...
    - Languages: English, Turkish
    - Subtitles: Turkish
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NEU Grand LibraryGrnd. Floor (DVD 002346)
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