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Midnight Run (Brest, Martin,)
Bibliographical information (record 105734)
Midnight Run
Brest, Martin, Search in Online Databases

City Light Films
Book Cover Image
DVD 002958
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Detailed notes
    - Robert De Niro has to get the FBI off his case, the mob off his trail, and Charles Grodin off his back!
    - Bounty hunter Jack Walsh is sent to find and return bail jumper and former Mafia accountant, Jonathan "The Duke" Mardukas. The FBI have had no success it locating The Duke, so when Jack finds him in next to no time, they are a little embarrassed. In order to collect his $100,000 fee, Jack must take The Duke from New York to Los Angeles. However, the Mafia and the FBI have other ideas, as does Marvin, a rival bounty hunter. On their long cross-country trip to LA, the two get to know each other and they build up a strange friendship.
    - Jack Walsh is a former cop from Chicago, who was framed by criminal he was investigating and about to arrest. He is now a bounty hunter based in Los Angeles. His boss wants him to find, Jonathan "The Duke" Mardukas, an accountant, who was working for Las Vegas mobster, who stole millions of dollars from him and gave it away. His boss was the one who bailed him out, and now unless he can get him back in L.A. in the next 5 days, he will forfeit the bond and be placed out of business. So he sends Jack to get him, which is Midnight Run or easy job in the bail bond business. Except for the fact that the man The Duke stole the money from, wants to get him, and he is also the same man who framed Jack. And also the FBI wants to get Mardukas so that they can use him to get his boss, so they warn Walsh not to get in their way. But Walsh nevertheless finds The Duke and is about bring him back but when Mardukas claims that he has difficulty with flying the airline throws them out of the plane, so they have to go back on the road. When Walsh's boss, learns that he didn't arrive when he was suppose to, he sends another bounty hunter, Marvin, who is Jack's greatest adversary, to get Mardukas. And when Marvin cancels Walsh's card, they don't have enough funds to make it all the way, so they have to scrape everything they have. And it doesn't help that Mardukas is doing everything he can to escape, cause he says that his former boss can get him even in jail.
    - Languages: English, Russian
    - Subtitles: English, Serbo-Croatian, Icelandic, Romanian, Turkish, Greek, Bulgarian, Hebrew
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