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Beeper (Sholder, Jack.)
Bibliographical information (record 154337)
Sholder, Jack. Search in Online Databases

Shoreline Entertainment
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DVD 004424
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Detailed notes
    - A doctor must follow the instructions on a drug dealer's beeper to rescue his kidnapped son.
    - Dr. Richard is a single parent living in America with his 10 year old son, Sam. He is invited to attend a medical conference in Delhi, India, and since he is unable to find a suitable person to babysit his son, he takes him along with him. At the venue Richard makes his presentation, and shortly thereafter notices that his son is missing. A hectic search does not reveal Sam's whereabouts, the police are summoned and the matter is assigned to Senior Inspector, Vijay Kumar, of Delhi Police, with an American Anti-terrorist Policewoman, Julia Hyde, also assisting him. Richard is informed that his son has been kidnapped and that he must comply with the kidnappers directions and instructions via a beeper. Shortly thereafter, Richard is informed that he has made a mistake by involving the police, as such Vijay pulls himself and his men off of the case. Richard is now on his own, and he has until midnight to try to comply with the kidnappers demands in a foreign country where the death of a human being, even a child, is not considered earth-shaking news. To make matters worse, he loses his beeper to a man who collided with him in a busy market-place. He does get hold of another beeper - which belongs to Zolo, a drug smuggler. Richard finds that he must first comply with Zolo's instructions before he can make an effort to locate the original beeper. In the meantime, Vijay has placed Richard under surveillance, as he suspects him of feigning his son's kidnapping in order to smuggle opium worth half a million dollars. To complicate matters even more Richard is convinced that Sam has been kidnapped by a person who is either a policeman or someone connected closely with the Delhi Police. Watch as events propel this poor doctor to an unbelievable climax that may cost him his very life.
    - Languages : Turkish, English
    - Subtitle : Turkish
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