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Paranormal Activity (Oren Peli)
Bibliographical information (record 154393)
Paranormal Activity
Oren Peli Search in Online Databases

Blumhouse Productions
Book Cover Image
DVD 000111
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Detailed notes
    - On July 4th, in the small Broken Ridge, Colorado, the teenagers Colby, his girlfriend Amber and their friends Zoe, Roger and PJ play a prank with the legend of the Fisherman that kills teenagers with dirty little secrets with his hook in an entertaining park. However, when PJ jumps with his skateboard, there is an unexpected accident and PJ dies. The group stays together and makes a covenant to keep their secret. One year later, Amber receives messages in her cell-phone telling that "I'll Always Know What You Did Last Summer" and she gathers her friends to find who might have told about their pact. They find that PJ's cousin Lance also knows what they did. Sooner they find that a dark man wearing slicker is chasing them with a hook to kill each one of them.
    - A group of teens accidentally kill a fellow friend in a 4th of July prank. They all band together and decide to take there secret to the grave. Little do they know that they really will be taking there secret quite literally to the grave as one year later there secret comes back for revenge. Can they work out who's killing them off one by one or will they all take there secret to the grave.
    - A group of teenagers in a Colorado find themselves being stalked and killed one-by-one by a mysterious figure with a hook, exactly one year after they covered up a friends' accidental death...
    - After the accidental death of a friend during a dangerous skateboard stunt, a group of friends decide to cover-up his death and act as if they didn't see anything (knowing that his Sheriff father will make sure they do time). However, one year passes and the friends are having their fair share of problems and haven't been together for a while. But they are soon bought together when somebody keeps sending lots of intimidating messages titled 'I'll Always Know What You Did Last Summer' and begins making the teens' lives hell. Soon, the friends find themselves being murdered one-by-one by a mysterious figure in a slicker and with a large hook as a weapon...
    - The latest installment in the "I Know What You Did Last Summer" franchise focuses on a seemingly harmless Fourth of July prank that ends in the unexpected death of a friend of four teens from a small Colorado town who make a pact to keep the death a secret (despite one's desperate protest). Over the course of the following year, the four teens find their friendships all horribly strained and all but terminated completely from the trauma. Come the next Fourth of July, just before the town's annual carnival, the four teens all find themselves being victimized by a mysterious menace when they begin to receive intimidating calling cards indicating someone is aware of what happened before. The group suspect the cousin of the dead friend, only to discover they are very much on the wrong track. Can the friends survive and figure out the identity of their tormentor before they end up dead themselves?
    - Language: English
    - Subtitle: No Subtitles
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