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007 You Only Live Twice (Lewis, Gilbert.)
Bibliographical information (record 163576)
007 You Only Live Twice
Lewis, Gilbert. Search in Online Databases

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DVD 004965
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Detailed notes
    - Welcome to Japan, Mr. Bond
    - When an American space capsule is swallowed up by what they believe to be a Russian spaceship, World War 3 nearly breaks out. The British Government, however, suspect that other powers are at work as the space craft went down near Japan. S.P.E.C.T.R.E. is the force behind the theft, as James Bond discovers, but its motives are far from clear, and he must first find out where the captured space capsule is held before America and Russia initiate another world war.
    - After a mysterious rocket ship seizes manned space missions from Earth's orbit, suspicions mount and the world superpowers are hurled to the brink of war. Their only hope rests with James Bond, who races to stop the space-jackings' true mastermind, Ernst Blofeld. Chief of the evil SPECTRE organization, Blofeld is bent on instigating global warfare from his massive headquarters nestled in an inactive volcano. As the countdown begins, Bond joins forces with luscious Japanese agent Kissy Suzuki and scores of Ninja warriors to mount a daring raid on Blofeld's lair and prevent a calamitous world war.
    - During a routine US space mission a manned American rocket mysteriously disappears while in orbit. The Americans naturally suspect the Soviets and threaten retaliation. However, the British are more cautious after one of their tracking stations indicates that the space craft may have come down near the Sea of Japan. James Bond is sent to investigate, but when the Soviets lose one of their space craft in similar circumstances, 007 has only a few days to locate the launch site and prevent the outbreak of World War III.
    - In 1967 the US and Soviet Russia reach a new crisis when Jupiter 16, a US space capsule, is captured in Earth orbit by a strange rocket ship. The US accuses the Soviets of the space hijacking, even though Great Britain believes the alien ship landed in the Sea Of Japan. Her Majesty's Secret Service now swings into action by "killing" James Bond in Hong Kong - a ruse so Bond can move about Japan unmolested by his enemies. Working with, and enjoying the exotic hospitality of, Japanese SIS and its commander "Tiger" Tanaka, James uncovers evidence that a major chemical company is smuggling liquid oxygen for rocket fuel, and his and Tanaka's investigation leads to an extinct volcano that is the source of the space hijacking - just as a Soviet spacecraft is grabbed by the alien rocket and a previously scheduled US launch is pushed upward with America's strategic forces on full battle alert, forcing James and Tanaka to confront the true source of the space hijackings - SPECTRE, and its ruthless leader Ernst Stavro Blofeld.
    - Language : English
    - Subtitle : Portuguese
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