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I Know Who Killed Me (Sivertson, Chris.)
Bibliographical information (record 216113)
I Know Who Killed Me
Sivertson, Chris. Search in Online Databases

360 Pictures
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DVD 006218
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Detailed notes
    - Aubrey Fleming is a regular high school student with friends and family. One night, she unexpectedly disappears. Two weeks later she is found unconscious in the middle of the woods. When spoken to, her loved ones realize she has forgotten her identity and the personality living in her body is Dakota Moss, a character that Aubrey created in one of her stories for an English assignment. Dakota denies ever being Aubrey knowing that they look identical. Now, Dakota must try to unravel the mystery of how her and Aubrey co-exist and find out who abducted Aubrey that night.
    - An idyllic small town is rocked when Aubrey Fleming, a bright and promising young woman, is abducted and tortured by a sadistic serial killer. When she manages to escape, the traumatized girl who regains consciousness in the hospital insists that she is not who they think she is and that the real Aubrey Fleming is still in mortal danger.
    - In New Salem, the upper-class high-school student and aspiring writer Aubrey Fleming has just quit the piano classes to dedicate to write. When the mutilated body of her missing schoolmate Jennifer Toland is found, the locals grieve the student while the police chase the killer. After a football game, Aubrey is kidnapped and then she is mutilated by the serial-killer. A couple of weeks later, Aubrey is found unconscious in a lonely road and brought to the hospital with severed hand and foot in the same modus-operandi Jennifer was mutilated. When she awakes, she tells that she is the stripper Dakota Moss and her junky mother had an overdose and died. When the FBI finds that Dakota is one character of Aubrey's stories, they conclude the girl needs psychiatric treatment and protection. But Dakota insists she is not Aubrey.
    - Languages: English, Turkish
    - Subtitle: Turkish
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NEU Grand LibraryGrnd. Floor (DVD 006218)
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