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Away from Her (Sarah Polley)
Bibliographical information (record 219956)
Away from Her
Sarah Polley Search in Online Databases

Film Farm
Book Cover Image
DVD 006244
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Detailed notes
    - It's never too late to become what you might have been
    - Fiona and Grant are an Ontario couple who have been married for over 40 years. Now, in the oncoming twilight of their years, they are forced to face the fact that Fiona's "forgetfulness" actually is Alzheimer's Disease. After Fiona wanders away and is found after being lost, they agree she must go into a nursing home. For the first time in the five decades their relationship has spanned, they are forced to undergo a long-time separation since the nursing home has a "no-visitors" policy for the first 30 days of a patient's stay, so they can adjust to their new surroundings. When Grant visits Fiona after the orientation period, he is devastated to find out that not only has she seemingly forgotten him, Fiona has transferred her affections to another man. The other man is Aubrey, a wheelchair bound mute patient at the nursing home. As the distance between husband and wife grows, Grant must draw upon his love for Fiona to perform an act of self-sacrifice in order to ensure her happiness.
    - Languages: English, Turkish
    - Subtitles: Turkish
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NEU Grand LibraryGrnd. Floor (DVD 006244)
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