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Johnny English (Peter Howitt)
Bibliographical information (record 260035)
Johnny English
Peter Howitt Search in Online Databases

Universal Pictures
Book Cover Image
DVD 006840
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Detailed notes
    - Rowan plays the eponymous lead character in a spoof spy thriller. During the course of the story we follow our hero as he attempts to single-handedly save the country from falling into the hands of a despot.
    - When a funeral of a British spy is attacked, all the remaining spies are killed. Only one spy is left and is now Britain's last hope. Johnny English and his sidekick, Bough have been assigned the case of investigating the theft of the British Crown Jewels. The prime suspect is a mysterious French entrepreneur, known as Pascal Sauvage. English and Bough soon find out the horrifying truth behind the theft and Sauvage, but it's not going to be an easy job to bring him to justice.
    - In an uncertain world, few things are as dependable as the British Secret Service. So when an unthinkable plan to filch the country's beloved Crown Jewels comes to the Service's attention, the best man for the job, the creme de la creme of the organization's super sleuths, Agent Number One is quickly assigned to the case and is quickly dispatched to six feet under. But unfortunately for the B.S.S., virtually every other able member of its esteemed ranks soon joins Agent Number One in the afterworld when the funeral is being bombed! Now there is only one man remaining who can even hope to protect his country, avenge the elimination of all of the Secret Service's spies and uncover the fiendish plot to make off with the lasting symbols of the once supreme British empire, the Crown Jewels--Johhny English. He knows no fear. He knows no danger. In fact, he knows absolutely nothing.
    - When all but one of MI5's top agents are killed in an explosion. It is left to the inept Johnny English to try and solve who has stolen the crown jewels from the Tower of London. Accompanied by his assistant Bough, Johnny bungles his way through one scrape after another.
    - Johnny English, a British secret agent who dreams of rising beyodn his menial job within the MI-7 organization, is hired to protect the Crown Jewels after all the other agents are bumped off. When the jewels are stolen, he eventually uncovers a plot to replace England's monarch with what the British fear the most: a French king.
    - Language: English
    - Subtitles: English, Arabic, Cesky, Greek, Turkish
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