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A Research Study About "e-Learning Training Needs" of Vocational High School Teachers in North Cyprus (Tuncay, Nazime.)
Bibliographical information (record 265940)
A Research Study About "e-Learning Training Needs" of Vocational High School Teachers in North Cyprus
Tuncay, Nazime. Search in Online Databases

Academic Conferences Ltd,
Detailed notes
    - Day by day, the e-learning divides between teachers become somewhat more obvious and more important. The teachers, who are e-literate, are starting to prove themselves to be more effective than the others. On the other hand, the vocational high school teachers in North Cyprus, also, face a challenge of updating their knowledge to make appropriate use of the e-teaching methods in their classes. Hence, it was a presumption that the teacher training activities should be delivered to these schools. Of course, to reveal this fact, a research study is done. The purpose of this research is to determine the e-learning training needs of the vocational high school teachers, in North Cyprus. A questionnaire consisting of 32 items was developed by the researchers; the validity and reliability of it is checked. According to the expert views, the questionnaire is divided into 3 factors: Technology-based e-learning applications; web-based e-learning applications and administrative e-learning applications subjects. In North Cyprus, there are 12 vocational high schools and there are about 490 teachers in these schools. The number of the filled questionnaires used in this research is 398. The following are the scales used in the questionnaire: Excellent, quite good, good, basic and needs to be improved. Where, some of the measured subjects in the questionnaire are: Usage of the vocational e-learning equipments; preparation of course materials by using multimedia presentation software; usage of e-software tools for preparing e-quizzes. Descriptive statistics were used to analyze and report this data. As a result of this research, it was found out that: North Cyprus vocational high school teachers have e-learning training needs about the technologic-based, web-based and administrative e-learning applications. To fulfil the necessities of a teacher e-learning training program an action plan should be prepared, collaboratively with the e-learning experts. This research study claims to be the first and a unique study for determining e-learning training needs of vocational high school teachers, in North Cyprus.
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