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Ketcap Bir Sebzedir: (O'Bryant, Robin)
Bibliographical information (record 277235)
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Detailed notes
    - "First published in the United States by Greenforge Books in 2011; Published by St. Martin's Griffin as an e-original in October 2013"--Title page verso.
    - Original title :Ketchup is a vegetable : and other lies moms tell themselves
    - "If you don't have anything nice to say about motherhood, then... read this book. Robin O'Bryant offers a no holds barred look at the day to day life of being a mother to three, running a household and the everyday monotony of parenting. It's not always pretty but it's real. Whether she's stuffing cabbage in her bra... dealing with defiant yet determined daughters... yelling at the F.B.I... or explaining the birds and the bees to her preschooler... you're sure to find dozens of humorous and relatable situations. From the creator of Robin's Chicks, one of the South's most popular blogs on motherhood, misunderstandings and musings, comes a collection of essays that will not only make you laugh and cry, but realize that you're not alone in your journey. Sit back and relax, pour yourself some "mommy juice," throw a fresh diaper on your baby and deadbolt the bedroom door to keep your kids out... because once you start reading you'll be too busy wiping away tears of laughter to wipe anybody's butt"--
    - Annelik uzerine soyleyecek guzel bir seyiniz yoksa... O zaman bu kitabi okuyun. Robin O'Bryant uc cocuk annesi olmanin, ev cekip cevirmenin ve ebeveyn tekduzeliginin gunluk yasamina son derece acik bir bakis acisi sunuyor. Her zaman hos degil ama bir gercek: Ister sutyenine lahana doldursun, ister dikbasli ama kararli kizlariyla ugrassin, ister FBI'a bagirsin ya da anaokulu ogrencisine kuslari ve arilari aciklasin... Bu kitapta komik ve kendinizle iliskilendireceginiz duzinelerce olay bulacaginiz kesin. Annelik, yanlis anlasilmalar ve derin dusunceler uzerine Guney'in en populer bloglarindan biri olan Robin's Chicks'in yaraticisindan sizi guldurmek ve aglatmakla kalmayip seruveninizde yalniz olmadiginizi size hatirlatacak olan denemeler derlemesi geliyor. Arkaniza yaslanip rahatlayin, kendinize biraz 'anne icecegi' koyun, bebeginizin bezini degistirin ve cocuklarinizi uzak tutmak icin yatak odanizin kapisini kilitleyin. Cunku bu kitabi okumaya bir basladiniz mi cocugunuzun kicini silmektense, kahkahalara bogulurken gozyaslarinizi silmekle ugrasiyor olacaksiniz.
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Gifted by: Türkiye Adalet Akademisi

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