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The Thin Red Line
Bibliographical information (record 59185)
The Thin Red Line
Book Cover Image
VCD 000045
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Detailed notes
    - In World War II, the outcome of the battle of Guadalcanal will strongly influence the Japanese's advance into the pacific. A group of young soldiers is brought in as a relief for the battle-weary Marine units. The exhausting fight for a key-positioned airfield that allows control over a 1000-mile radius puts the men of the Army Rifle company C-for-Charlie through hell. The horrors of war forms the soldiers into a tight-knit group, their emotions develop into bonds of love and even family. The reasons for this war get further away as the world for the men gets smaller and smaller until their fighting is for mere survival and the life of the other men with them.
    - In 1943, the first major U.S. offensive of World War II is drawing to a close on the South Pacific island of Guadalcanal. To put an end to this campaign, the United States Army arrives with a full division of troops and equipment, deployed to break the last resistence of the Japanese. The exploits of this Division are seen from a number of perspectives amongst the soldiers; to include a war weary Sergeant, a power hungry Colonel, a Private who has known only desertion and AWOL, and a Company Commander is is struggling with his abilities as a leader.
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NEU Grand LibraryGrnd. Floor (VCD 000045)
Audio Visual Room
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NEU Grand LibraryGrnd. Floor (VCD 000045)
Audio Visual Room
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NEU Grand LibraryGrnd. Floor (VCD 000045)
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